Thursday, October 8, 2009

My beginning

Since I was a child athlete, I have often wondered why people would allow themselves to gain excessive weight. As the years have passed, I have come to a conclusion that people who are over weight have no desire to be that way; they have only accepted the inevitable. The inevitable being, their inability to exercise at the required level to obtain weight loss, either due to respiratory, muscular or anatomical conditions.  Sure, I know that they chose to ignore the warning signs at the beginning of their weight gain problem and they have ignored all imaginable health education that has come their way. Just as others have easily chosen to smoke, do drugs, commit crimes, etc. 

But there it was, that aching wondering in the far reaches of my mind. There must be a way for people to lose weight without prescribed medications, over the counter diet pills or worse, surgery?

I'm older now and within the past three years, I have not been able to exercise and maintain my weight due to an injury. I have joined the ranks of people who are over weight. After three years of eating clean and my health improved to where I could exercise; I found myself in a body that was stubborn and not giving up the fat! At 52, the idea of running three miles, four times a week, was actually not as enjoyable as it used to be....yes old age is creeping up. Frustrated, I began researching all possible methods for weight loss; that didn't require exercise.

Don't get me wrong, I have helped many improve their weight through cardio vascular and strength training. I strongly encourage everyone to follow a sound exercise program for optimal health.  I'm an excellent personal trainer. My favorite quote is "Train the heart and the body will follow". On my last stress test, the doctor was completely amazed at the physical condition of my heart. Referring to the electrocardiograph print out, he said "It doesn't get any better than this".

Back to my quest....Not wanting to go mildly and fatly into the wild blue yonder of old age; there had to be something out there for people like me/like you. So, dipping into the vintage of my mind, my knowledge of how the human body is designed, coupled with my belief in Holistic Health; I found the answer....


  1. Nice story! I look forward to reading more in your blog.

  2. Duh, sorry, new at this stuff and just now saw where to publish a comment or even to look for one! old age, lol
