So this was a great thing for me to do. Pass on information that will help you boost you're immune system. So not to be one that stops at the first sign of success. I continued my quest for information. What I have discovered, is that researchers have proved in laboratory settings, the great benefits associated with lemons. But, it begs to question, for me; "Why then don't we all know about this research"?
It only took a quick trip to the drug store to find out the answer. Turn the corner with me to the cold and flu aisle. From one end to the other, manufacturer, after manufacturer, all have products that relieve these symptoms. Some, very few, have lemons in the ingredients, however, the amount is very minuscule. Why? Well, if they put more lemon extracts in the ingredients, it would stand to reason that you, nor I would return to purchase more of their products....That's right, it's all about the money!
Imagine a world where we live free of all illnesses and we pass away merely from our heart just giving way after a hundred + years. If there was no obesity, no flues wiping out the weak, no one doing drugs or smoking, a cure for cancer, and we had the ability to focus all research on birth related defects, Aids, etc; imagine how many people would be healthier and happier! Imagine how many people would be put out of work? Perhaps they could work on other things, such as a greener world to live in!
I know, I know; in a perfect world! We could try though? At least I will continue to keep people informed!
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