Saturday, October 24, 2009

Buyer beware

It's three in the morning and I'm desperate for a good program.  Yes, I know I should be in bed right now.  Channel surfing is a very bad habit.  I stopped on an infomercial about colon cleansing.  I have to say, when you watch these shows, don't get taken in by the photo's.  On one hand they show an obese individual who's not feeling well/sluggish, then they flash a very skinny well built person, who obviously has worked out for years.  They want us to actually believe that a colon cleanse is going to give us that kind of body?  Get real...

Don't get me wrong.   I'm a big believer in the health benefits of a colon cleanse; but, hey, you're not going to be 10 or 15 pounds lighter!  You might lose 3 to 5 maybe, depending how backed up you're colon is.  Additionally, you most likely will gain the weight back because you haven't changed you're eating habits.  I have lost well over 18 pounds from following a great Lemon Ade diet and I have done a complete master cleanse with it. (This was posted previously).  As a result, I feel lighter inside and I have dropped two sizes.  I'm healthier and I can guarantee you; I don't have a skinny athletic body like they show you on TV/Internet ads.  Once I'm down to my goal weight and I have shed the fat, I will be working out in the gym to regain my muscle tone.  It takes a great amount of commitment and hard work to obtain a strong muscular body.

At 52, I will be satisfied to wear my two piece again by next year.  Right now I feel very healthy and satisfied with the direction I'm headed in.  When I hit my goal, I give myself six month's to get my rock solid body back that I had four years ago.  Just to let you know; I'm a mesomorph (somatotype) and it's easy for me to sculpt and train my body. 

Most certified trainers have no clue (No 4 year degree) about what somatotype bodies are;  as a result, they fail the client.  I knew a lady who hired a personal trainer at $400 for ten sessions.  She continued paying this cost for over a years worth of training.  I watched her trainer do absurd things with her, that I would never do with someone in their sixties.  One day, she came in on an off day and she wanted to talk to me about her frustrations.  I asked her what she wanted?  She said, "I want to be skinny and I'm so big!"  Also, her husband told her that he couldn't afford to pay for her training anymore!  She was in tears...

I consoled her and then explained that her body type was that of an endomorph.  A person who could gain muscle mass easily; which her trainer was pushing her to do.  Furthermore,  I explained to her that she was very healthy for her age and she looked fantastic!  I continued to tell her how fit her cardio level was, in order for her to keep up with the absurd program she was on.  She admitted that it was exhausting her and she was so relieved...Of course she asked a dreaded question; "Why didn't my trainer explain all this to me"?  I didn't touch that one with a ten foot pole!

It's more important for you to feel healthy and happy.  Once you achieve true happiness with who you are, then you can enjoy life more.  I literally have seen women killing themselves in the gym and crying because they can never become what they want.  The sad news is that they don't have the body type necessary to look that way.  It's like trying to turn a 6'2" person into a floor gymnast or a horse jockey!  Whoa Nelly!

I guess the biggest point I want to get across to my readers is that, you don't have to go for that rock solid body to become healthy.  Don't let these advertisements cause you to feel incomplete or frustrated, or to feel like you can never look like they do.  When my son was 12, we had a mother son talk about female models that you see in the magazines.  I told him that he should never expect his girl friend to look like these women; that the inside was more important than just good looks.  A lesson we all should learn. 

OMG...shake weight, what a joke.  Another gimmick that is a waste of money.  No way that works the full range of motion for the biceps!

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