We are currently living in Bakersfield, CA....this past week we had a dust storm like none I have ever seen. People new to Bakersfield are subject to getting what they refer to as valleyfever........even those who live here can get this flu like fever. People in the ICU are being treated with thera flu.....those who are dying have past issues with respiratory illnesses. To me there is a pattern; the first thing I ask when someone has passed away, is what was their medical history. Remember only the strong survive!
For the past five month's I have been drinking a lemonade mixture that has helped me lose weight. I ignored the side benefits, which are now becoming clear to me. Both, Kathy and I have had no respiratory issues since drinking the mix. Kathy was very asthmatic and hooked on an inhaler....before she met me; anyway, we walked outside in the dust storm and she didn't need her inhaler. In fact, we have no idea where her last one is because she has not needed it. I wanted to see if we would get ill from the storm...funny I know, but that's how confident that I am about our immune systems. This normally would have knocked both of us out for weeks if we had caught the fever. But...it didn't....and here's why!
1. Lemons have high Nutrients: they are an excellent source of iron and potassium, vitamin B6, dietary fiber and vitamin C. They also contain calcium, copper, folic acid, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc. (magnesium is good for sufferers of Fibromayalgia)....excuse my spelling!
2. Strong source of Bioflavonoids: natural compounds found in some fruits and veggies. They protect against damage caused by free radicals, and enhance the antioxidant effects of some nutrients. They help maintain capillaries and help the blood clot. Weak capillaries can lead to easy bruising, brain and retinal hemorrhages, bleeding gums and other abnormalities. Additionally, known to help with the prevention of heart disease. Known to act as antibiotics that may protect the body from cancer causing substances.
Acid-Alkali pH Balance - Your body thrives on a delicate balance of acid and alkali. Each organ and tissue of the human body has a particular acid-alkali balance (called the "pH") at which it functions best. The conventional Western diet, rich in sugar, grain products, and processed foods affects our pH balance and can leave the body acidic - to an extent that viruses, bacteria, are able to take up residence. Your immune system works optimally at an intermediate pH, and can't combat viruses on "their own turf," at acidic pH. Certain foods can help us restore balance and bring our pH in a more alkali direction. One of these foods is the lemon. Despite its acidic nature, the impact it has on the body once ingested is to increase the alkali balance, bringing us into better health and restoring your immune system's ability to function. I can't say it any better than this people. (this passage was written by Victoria Anisman-Reiner)
The lemon drink also, reduces mucus build up in the sinus's and lungs. Important for those suffering from COPD and Asthma. Acts as a tonic for the liver helping it to produce bile which is used to digest food. REPEAT: They are also known for reducing gall stones and kidney stones, reduces symptoms on sinusitis, asthma and clears the lungs and sinus passages of mucus, sore throat and reduce a fever. (This information is relevant to the idea that lemon juice is a most important therapy to be used in all cases of infection of the respiratory tract and as a general tonic). Remember they are using Thera flu to treat the patients! Lemons are also a diuretic and assists with urinary tract symptoms, high uric acid problems, arthritis and rheumatism it flushes out toxins in the body...and helps people with diabetes regulate their blood sugar naturally.
What does the VDH say...."I ask that you keep in mind that a negative rapid flu test does not rule out novel H1N1. Those children - and adults - with clinical influenza (even with a negative rapid flu test) should be kept out of school until they have been afebrile for a full 24 hours without the use of antipyretics. Clinical diagnosis is paramount in treatment decisions for suspected novel H1N"1.
I went to the grocery store and a woman brought her teen into the store who has the flu; these people put everyone at risk. She said her daughter did not have H1N1....The public doesn't get the seriousness of these types of illnesses. The spread of the flu makes other people vulnerable. I don't believe the CDC is doing a good job at educating the general public.
Our friend who works in the ICU, you should hear her stories...health professionals placing their masks to reuse in a zip Lock bag where the virus can grow and then using them again and again! DO you think they have a handle on this? Oh and the lack of decontamination efforts and infectious controls is rampant in the hospitals. Several mom's after birth contracted the flu and passed away....their immune systems are weak from child bearing. Again, I wanted to know their medical history.....I want to know!
Here is the formula that we are following to help you:.
Fresh lemons, wash before rolling and slicing. 6-7 will give you about 8 oz of juice. I have a container with ounces on it. I recommend you get that and a good juicer. Grade B maple syrup....trust me it's not like the white processed sugar you get at the store. This grade has nutrients that are beneficial to sustain life. Cayenne pepper....start out with a dash until you get used to it. No more that 1/10 max.
Mix equal parts lemon juice and syrup. IE 8oz lemon juice, 8oz maple syrup, shake and place in the fridge..
When you are ready to make your drink, measure 3 table spoons into a glass and add 8 oz of water. You can add ice if you like. This is when you mix in the pepper. Do not put the pepper in the main mix, as it sits over a long period of time (greater than ten minutes) the drink will get really hot. I drink a min of six glasses per day, Kathy drinks about two....she's not a great fan of lemons. Do not heat the drink in the microwave or other, as this will cook off essential nutrients. Sorry for those living up north.......
In addition to this, we went to the drug store and we are taking Echinacea. I'm not taking chances.
Like I said, we have not had any respiratory issues. I highly recommend a full body cleanse to rid toxins out of your body. This lemonade mix was used in my 15 day cleanse and I feel better than great! I feel young again. The recommended cleanse time was ten days, I felt so good I kept going and I'm back on the cleanse again!
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