Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cure for Obesity

Today you are lucky because, I got plenty of rest yesterday and I'm back onto a normal schedule.  No, it's not 3 O'clock in the morning.

Yesterday, I went out to Starbucks to drink hot tea and contemplate the direction I'm going with this blog.  Not long after numerous interruptions by customers and one of the noisiest door blower (You had to hear this) system; my reminder came through the door.

A young woman who had to be 270+ came in the store.  Hopefully, my true personality has come out in my writing style here on my blog.  I really care about people and often times, I'm giving away my services for free.  I'm looking at this woman and feeling like I should go over and offer my assistance.  Yes, that would be an awkward thing to do;  I didn't!  Good golly, how I wish I could.

The sad fact is, people don't wear signs that say, "Please help me, I'm getting bigger and bigger".  As a health professional, all you can hope for is that they stumble across you're service through advertising and they ask you for the help.

What I really have discovered about the lemonade drink, is that it is the cure for Obesity.  Here is a healthy weight loss program, that will flush unwanted fat out of you're system, without having to exercise.  It doesn't get any better than that! 

Connect with me on the link to the right side of my blog for one on one counseling to begin losing weight today.  Additionally, I want you to help out a friend who is fighting this dreaded disease.  Give them the information and have them contact me so I can really help them live a better life.

Yes, this is my business.  I help people lose weight and keep it off for the rest of their life!  There is no yo yowing going on with this weight loss program.  I'm an educator and I'm going to teach you how to stay slim forever.  Since I started this blog, I have lost another 7 pounds and I feel so so much better.  I have picked out 3 pairs of pants that I'm buying on payday.  My old clothes are going to Goodwill.  What have you lost?

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