Sunday, October 25, 2009

Herbal Fat blockers/Diet Pills etc.

Ok, so what is it about 3 O'clock in the morning that gets my brain synapses firing?  Let's go back to the drug store and turn down another aisle!  The diet and supplement aisle.  Yes, you see it in you're minds eye!  Have you ever looked at the prices?  As far as I'm concerned you can throw them all away.  Let's look at the never ending list.  Oh, by the way, someone, somewhere, is coming up with a new one as fast as my fingers can fly across my keys!

You have, diet pills to boost, pills to burn, ones that are green, some are red, some are herbal, some can cause long term health problems that you can't see in the bottle....yada yada yada.  What sparked my rant now?  How about a pill that blocks fat from being absorbed into you're fat cells.  Of course you need two to four pills before you eat the high processed food meal.  How in the uumm ummm ummm, can this possibly be the answer to weight control?  Cost is, drum roll ******$67.00 for a bottle to cover at least 20 + meals!  Ta Daaaa!  And, how many will you need to cover the span of you're life?  Any mathematician out there who wants to  figure that one out, have at it! 

Oh and by the way, the FDA does not test herbal products for their content.  Again, I have used a few Herbal products that seem to work well.  After all, I am a Holistic Health Personal Trainer.  But, let's consider these other alternative ideas (Other than spending all that money) that I coach people on:

1.  We all love food.  Who hasn't watched the Food Network channel and drolled over all those yummy dishes.  Sit back down, you are not allowed to run into the kitchen!  Well, only if it's a two mile run to get there....then go.  Who doesn't intend on eating stuffing this Thanksgiving or Christmas?  (Well, I do)  It's important to recognize that our taste buds were meant to enjoy the pleasures and smells that entice us to want to eat. 

2.  There is a better way to look at how we eat, to avoid loading up the fat! 

A.  We can change the way we view those not too healthy choices.  For me, eating something high on the carb list, is a good thing 30 min before a work out.  You're body is going to use the food to fuel the muscles.  It's the perfect time to sneak something into that soon to be tiny mid-line and again without guilt. 

B.  Save all the snacking for special occasions; such as holidays, birthdays and ummm that nice Omelet that Marquis makes (It has sour cream or cream cheese in it) and the good company of friends.  Those are the good times we should store in our memories, not in our waist line.  Don't deny these wonderful  moments in life.  Do look around you in the grocery store and peek into what people buy daily.  Then look at their waist line; now look at you're cart.  Don't you be too judge-mental now!

3.  If we limit our indescretionary eating habits, then we can control our processed food intake levels.   I believe that the dinner plate should be filled with 80 percent fresh veggies and 20 percent lean protein.  Some fats are very good for you!  You know that list, olive oil, almonds, safflower oil, avocados, fish oils etc.  If you eat a clean diet 90 percent of the time, then you don't have to feel guilty enjoying the things you love.  Oh and it's great how good those foods taste when you haven't had them on a daily basis.  Doesn't that make it oh so much more special?

4.  If you follow the basics of the Lemonade Diet and my 7-10 rule, then you don't have to worry about gaining unwanted weight back!   I'm serious about this!  Even if you have a good medical reason that keeps you from exercising; you can still maintain you're weight. 

I will always, always, tell you that you don't need supplements to lose or maintain you're weight.  Not acai berries, not Reservatrol, not Slim Fast, not Hydroxy Cut, not all the x, y  & z products they can concoct to take you're money away from you.  I repeat, you don't need to spend you're money on these products!  

I have to talk about this next rant...I spent $18.00 on a bottle of acai juice.  Ewe, what is that green stuff floating around?  Not very appealing to the eye.  Makes you wonder what kind of processing these companies have for impurities?  To caveat that, someone gave me a (yea) free bottle, of a similar product that has supposedly all fruit juices, plus the acai juice and it had the same thing.  Now, I'm not Einstein and I don't have a high tech lab in my basement!  I don't have a basement!  However, if I was, I would be the first person examining the contents of those bottles!  Especially coming from a Foreign Country.  Need I say anything about peanut butter or lead in our children's toys?

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