Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cure for Obesity

Today you are lucky because, I got plenty of rest yesterday and I'm back onto a normal schedule.  No, it's not 3 O'clock in the morning.

Yesterday, I went out to Starbucks to drink hot tea and contemplate the direction I'm going with this blog.  Not long after numerous interruptions by customers and one of the noisiest door blower (You had to hear this) system; my reminder came through the door.

A young woman who had to be 270+ came in the store.  Hopefully, my true personality has come out in my writing style here on my blog.  I really care about people and often times, I'm giving away my services for free.  I'm looking at this woman and feeling like I should go over and offer my assistance.  Yes, that would be an awkward thing to do;  I didn't!  Good golly, how I wish I could.

The sad fact is, people don't wear signs that say, "Please help me, I'm getting bigger and bigger".  As a health professional, all you can hope for is that they stumble across you're service through advertising and they ask you for the help.

What I really have discovered about the lemonade drink, is that it is the cure for Obesity.  Here is a healthy weight loss program, that will flush unwanted fat out of you're system, without having to exercise.  It doesn't get any better than that! 

Connect with me on the link to the right side of my blog for one on one counseling to begin losing weight today.  Additionally, I want you to help out a friend who is fighting this dreaded disease.  Give them the information and have them contact me so I can really help them live a better life.

Yes, this is my business.  I help people lose weight and keep it off for the rest of their life!  There is no yo yowing going on with this weight loss program.  I'm an educator and I'm going to teach you how to stay slim forever.  Since I started this blog, I have lost another 7 pounds and I feel so so much better.  I have picked out 3 pairs of pants that I'm buying on payday.  My old clothes are going to Goodwill.  What have you lost?

More must read

On the Front Lines of the H1N1 Pandemic
Surge in H1N1 Caseload Takes Toll on Patients and Hospitals
Oct. 27, 2009
The flu season is barely under way, but a sharp rise in the number of H1N1 swine flu cases is already stretching scarce resources at many hospitals.  At the University of California, Davis, Medical Center, in Sacramento, there's been a four-fold increase in H1N1 cases in just three weeks.

One of those cases is 4-year-old Ferris Labban, who is fighting off a nasty infection.  "Ferris basically went from having the typical flu to a complete collapse of lung and pneumonia in a week," Ferris' mother Wendy Labban said. "This H1N1 is completely aggressive, the way it affects our child's body was unbelievable."
Due to the severity of Ferris' condition, doctors inserted a tube into his left lung to drain it of fluid.

"The care that he got here was around the clock," Labban told "Nightline." Round-the-clock treatment for H1N1 patients is typical in the pediatric intensive care unit. Nearly half the kids admitted to hospitals with a case of the H1N1 virus wind up in intensive care. No part of the hospital is under more strain than pediatrics. End

Soo, yes this was fresh on my mind.  We went through another dust storm here in Bakersfield.  Kathy and I experienced no respiratory symptoms.  Of course, if you have been listening and taking to heart what I'm saying about boosting you're immune system, you should be feeling healthier.  Not surprising yesterday, that a cashier was complaining about people coming into the store sick.  No one seems to be listening to the preventive measures we as a community need to be taking.  I hope that my readers here are getting the point.

Remember, I can be reached at the link to the right of my blog.  This is so you can talk with me one on one if you want more information about the lemonade drink and what to expect.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Herbal Fat blockers/Diet Pills etc.

Ok, so what is it about 3 O'clock in the morning that gets my brain synapses firing?  Let's go back to the drug store and turn down another aisle!  The diet and supplement aisle.  Yes, you see it in you're minds eye!  Have you ever looked at the prices?  As far as I'm concerned you can throw them all away.  Let's look at the never ending list.  Oh, by the way, someone, somewhere, is coming up with a new one as fast as my fingers can fly across my keys!

You have, diet pills to boost, pills to burn, ones that are green, some are red, some are herbal, some can cause long term health problems that you can't see in the bottle....yada yada yada.  What sparked my rant now?  How about a pill that blocks fat from being absorbed into you're fat cells.  Of course you need two to four pills before you eat the high processed food meal.  How in the uumm ummm ummm, can this possibly be the answer to weight control?  Cost is, drum roll ******$67.00 for a bottle to cover at least 20 + meals!  Ta Daaaa!  And, how many will you need to cover the span of you're life?  Any mathematician out there who wants to  figure that one out, have at it! 

Oh and by the way, the FDA does not test herbal products for their content.  Again, I have used a few Herbal products that seem to work well.  After all, I am a Holistic Health Personal Trainer.  But, let's consider these other alternative ideas (Other than spending all that money) that I coach people on:

1.  We all love food.  Who hasn't watched the Food Network channel and drolled over all those yummy dishes.  Sit back down, you are not allowed to run into the kitchen!  Well, only if it's a two mile run to get there....then go.  Who doesn't intend on eating stuffing this Thanksgiving or Christmas?  (Well, I do)  It's important to recognize that our taste buds were meant to enjoy the pleasures and smells that entice us to want to eat. 

2.  There is a better way to look at how we eat, to avoid loading up the fat! 

A.  We can change the way we view those not too healthy choices.  For me, eating something high on the carb list, is a good thing 30 min before a work out.  You're body is going to use the food to fuel the muscles.  It's the perfect time to sneak something into that soon to be tiny mid-line and again without guilt. 

B.  Save all the snacking for special occasions; such as holidays, birthdays and ummm that nice Omelet that Marquis makes (It has sour cream or cream cheese in it) and the good company of friends.  Those are the good times we should store in our memories, not in our waist line.  Don't deny these wonderful  moments in life.  Do look around you in the grocery store and peek into what people buy daily.  Then look at their waist line; now look at you're cart.  Don't you be too judge-mental now!

3.  If we limit our indescretionary eating habits, then we can control our processed food intake levels.   I believe that the dinner plate should be filled with 80 percent fresh veggies and 20 percent lean protein.  Some fats are very good for you!  You know that list, olive oil, almonds, safflower oil, avocados, fish oils etc.  If you eat a clean diet 90 percent of the time, then you don't have to feel guilty enjoying the things you love.  Oh and it's great how good those foods taste when you haven't had them on a daily basis.  Doesn't that make it oh so much more special?

4.  If you follow the basics of the Lemonade Diet and my 7-10 rule, then you don't have to worry about gaining unwanted weight back!   I'm serious about this!  Even if you have a good medical reason that keeps you from exercising; you can still maintain you're weight. 

I will always, always, tell you that you don't need supplements to lose or maintain you're weight.  Not acai berries, not Reservatrol, not Slim Fast, not Hydroxy Cut, not all the x, y  & z products they can concoct to take you're money away from you.  I repeat, you don't need to spend you're money on these products!  

I have to talk about this next rant...I spent $18.00 on a bottle of acai juice.  Ewe, what is that green stuff floating around?  Not very appealing to the eye.  Makes you wonder what kind of processing these companies have for impurities?  To caveat that, someone gave me a (yea) free bottle, of a similar product that has supposedly all fruit juices, plus the acai juice and it had the same thing.  Now, I'm not Einstein and I don't have a high tech lab in my basement!  I don't have a basement!  However, if I was, I would be the first person examining the contents of those bottles!  Especially coming from a Foreign Country.  Need I say anything about peanut butter or lead in our children's toys?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Buyer beware

It's three in the morning and I'm desperate for a good program.  Yes, I know I should be in bed right now.  Channel surfing is a very bad habit.  I stopped on an infomercial about colon cleansing.  I have to say, when you watch these shows, don't get taken in by the photo's.  On one hand they show an obese individual who's not feeling well/sluggish, then they flash a very skinny well built person, who obviously has worked out for years.  They want us to actually believe that a colon cleanse is going to give us that kind of body?  Get real...

Don't get me wrong.   I'm a big believer in the health benefits of a colon cleanse; but, hey, you're not going to be 10 or 15 pounds lighter!  You might lose 3 to 5 maybe, depending how backed up you're colon is.  Additionally, you most likely will gain the weight back because you haven't changed you're eating habits.  I have lost well over 18 pounds from following a great Lemon Ade diet and I have done a complete master cleanse with it. (This was posted previously).  As a result, I feel lighter inside and I have dropped two sizes.  I'm healthier and I can guarantee you; I don't have a skinny athletic body like they show you on TV/Internet ads.  Once I'm down to my goal weight and I have shed the fat, I will be working out in the gym to regain my muscle tone.  It takes a great amount of commitment and hard work to obtain a strong muscular body.

At 52, I will be satisfied to wear my two piece again by next year.  Right now I feel very healthy and satisfied with the direction I'm headed in.  When I hit my goal, I give myself six month's to get my rock solid body back that I had four years ago.  Just to let you know; I'm a mesomorph (somatotype) and it's easy for me to sculpt and train my body. 

Most certified trainers have no clue (No 4 year degree) about what somatotype bodies are;  as a result, they fail the client.  I knew a lady who hired a personal trainer at $400 for ten sessions.  She continued paying this cost for over a years worth of training.  I watched her trainer do absurd things with her, that I would never do with someone in their sixties.  One day, she came in on an off day and she wanted to talk to me about her frustrations.  I asked her what she wanted?  She said, "I want to be skinny and I'm so big!"  Also, her husband told her that he couldn't afford to pay for her training anymore!  She was in tears...

I consoled her and then explained that her body type was that of an endomorph.  A person who could gain muscle mass easily; which her trainer was pushing her to do.  Furthermore,  I explained to her that she was very healthy for her age and she looked fantastic!  I continued to tell her how fit her cardio level was, in order for her to keep up with the absurd program she was on.  She admitted that it was exhausting her and she was so relieved...Of course she asked a dreaded question; "Why didn't my trainer explain all this to me"?  I didn't touch that one with a ten foot pole!

It's more important for you to feel healthy and happy.  Once you achieve true happiness with who you are, then you can enjoy life more.  I literally have seen women killing themselves in the gym and crying because they can never become what they want.  The sad news is that they don't have the body type necessary to look that way.  It's like trying to turn a 6'2" person into a floor gymnast or a horse jockey!  Whoa Nelly!

I guess the biggest point I want to get across to my readers is that, you don't have to go for that rock solid body to become healthy.  Don't let these advertisements cause you to feel incomplete or frustrated, or to feel like you can never look like they do.  When my son was 12, we had a mother son talk about female models that you see in the magazines.  I told him that he should never expect his girl friend to look like these women; that the inside was more important than just good looks.  A lesson we all should learn. 

OMG...shake weight, what a joke.  Another gimmick that is a waste of money.  No way that works the full range of motion for the biceps!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A great thing to do...

So this was a great thing for me to do.  Pass on information that will help you boost you're immune system.  So not to be one that stops at the first sign of success.  I continued my quest for information.  What I have discovered, is that researchers have proved in laboratory settings, the great benefits associated with lemons.  But, it begs to question, for me; "Why then don't we all know about this research"?

It only took a quick trip to the drug store to find out the answer.  Turn the corner with me to the cold and flu aisle.  From one end to the other, manufacturer, after manufacturer, all have products that relieve these symptoms.  Some, very few, have lemons in the ingredients, however, the amount is very minuscule.  Why?  Well, if they put more lemon extracts in the ingredients, it would stand to reason that you, nor I would return to purchase more of their products....That's right, it's all about the money! 

Imagine a world where we live free of all illnesses and we pass away merely from our heart just giving way after a hundred + years.  If there was no obesity, no flues wiping out the weak, no one doing drugs or smoking, a cure for cancer, and we had the ability to focus all research on birth related defects, Aids, etc; imagine how many people would be healthier and happier! Imagine how many people would be put out of work?  Perhaps they could work on other things, such as a greener world to live in!  

I know, I know; in a perfect world!  We could try though?  At least I will continue to keep people informed!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Update Swine Flu/scroll down for original post for miracle drink.

Swine flu linked to 11 more child deaths
Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- The swine flu is causing an unprecedented amount of illness for this early in the fall, with the deaths of 11 more children reported in the past week. And less vaccine than expected will be ready by month's end, federal health officials said Friday.

Of the 86 children who have died since the new swine flu arose last spring, 43 deaths have been reported in September and early October alone, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported. That's a startling number because in some past winters, the CDC has counted 40 or 50 child deaths for the entire flu season -- and no one knows how long this swine flu outbreak will last.

"These are very sobering statistics," said the CDC's Dr. Anne Schuchat.

Also surprising, about half of the child deaths reported since Sept. 1 have been teenagers. Until now, much of the attention has focused on younger children.

Also in contrast to regular winter flu, swine flu can cause a severe viral pneumonia in otherwise healthy young adults, the World Health Organization warned.

Again, prevention is key....

Two years ago, a dear friend lost his son to pneumonia, (22-24yr old), he was healthy, worked out etc...he thought he had a cold, it got worse, they sent him home with the flu, 3 days later he went back, a week after being admitted to the hospital, he passed.  This is why I take minor illnesses seriously.  A simple cold can turn into more.  This is 2009 and we shouldn't be losing people to something that is preventable.  Focus on prevention

Friday, October 16, 2009

Swine Flu

We are currently living in Bakersfield, CA....this past week we had a dust storm like none I have ever seen.  People new to Bakersfield are subject to getting what they refer to as valleyfever........even those who live here can get this flu like fever.   People in the ICU are being treated with thera flu.....those who are dying have past  issues with respiratory illnesses.  To me there is a pattern; the first thing I ask when someone has passed away, is what was their medical history.  Remember only the strong survive! 

For the past five month's I have been drinking a lemonade mixture that has helped me lose weight.  I ignored the side benefits, which are now becoming clear to me.  Both, Kathy and I have had no respiratory issues since drinking the mix.  Kathy was very asthmatic and hooked on an inhaler....before she met me;  anyway, we walked outside in the dust storm and she didn't need her inhaler.  In fact, we have no idea where her last one is because she has not needed it.  I wanted to see if we would get ill from the storm...funny I know, but that's how confident that I am about our immune systems.  This normally would have knocked both of us out for weeks if we had caught the fever. didn't....and here's why!

1. Lemons have high Nutrients:  they are an excellent source of iron and potassium, vitamin B6,  dietary fiber and vitamin C. They also contain calcium, copper, folic acid, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc.  (magnesium is good for sufferers of Fibromayalgia)....excuse my spelling!

2. Strong source of  Bioflavonoids:  natural compounds found in some fruits and veggies. They protect against damage caused by free radicals, and enhance the antioxidant effects of some nutrients. They help maintain capillaries and help the blood clot. Weak capillaries can lead to easy bruising, brain and retinal hemorrhages, bleeding gums and other abnormalities. Additionally, known to help with the prevention of heart disease.  Known to act as antibiotics that may protect the body from cancer causing substances.

Acid-Alkali pH Balance - Your body thrives on a delicate balance of acid and alkali. Each organ and tissue of the human body has a particular acid-alkali balance (called the "pH") at which it functions best. The conventional Western diet, rich in sugar, grain products, and processed foods affects our pH balance and can leave the body acidic - to an extent that viruses, bacteria, are able to take up residence. Your immune system works optimally at an intermediate pH, and can't combat viruses on "their own turf," at acidic pH. Certain foods can help us restore balance and bring our pH in a more alkali direction. One of these foods is the lemon. Despite its acidic nature, the impact it has on the body once ingested is to increase the alkali balance, bringing us into better health and restoring your immune system's ability to function.   I can't say it any better than this people.  (this passage was written by Victoria Anisman-Reiner)

The lemon drink also, reduces mucus build up in the sinus's and lungs.  Important for those suffering from COPD and Asthma. Acts as a tonic for the liver helping it to produce bile which is used to digest food. REPEAT:  They are also known for reducing gall stones and kidney stones, reduces symptoms on sinusitis, asthma and clears the lungs and sinus passages of mucus, sore throat and reduce a fever.  (This information is relevant to the idea that lemon juice is a most important therapy to be used in all cases of infection of the respiratory tract and as a general tonic).  Remember they are using Thera flu to treat the patients!  Lemons are also a diuretic and assists with urinary tract symptoms, high uric acid problems, arthritis and rheumatism it flushes out toxins in the body...and helps people with diabetes regulate their blood sugar naturally.

What does the VDH say...."I ask that you keep in mind that a negative rapid flu test does not rule out novel H1N1. Those children - and adults - with clinical influenza (even with a negative rapid flu test) should be kept out of school until they have been afebrile for a full 24 hours without the use of antipyretics. Clinical diagnosis is paramount in treatment decisions for suspected novel H1N"1.

I went to the grocery store and a woman brought her teen into the store who has the flu;  these people put everyone at risk.  She said her daughter did not have H1N1....The public doesn't get the seriousness of these types of illnesses.  The spread of the flu makes other people vulnerable.  I don't believe the CDC is doing a good job at educating the general public. 

Our friend who works in the ICU, you should hear her professionals placing their masks to reuse in a zip Lock bag where the virus can grow and then using them again and again!  DO you think they have a handle on this?  Oh and the lack of decontamination efforts and infectious controls is rampant in the hospitals.  Several mom's after birth contracted the flu and passed away....their immune systems are weak from child bearing.  Again, I wanted to know their medical history.....I want to know!

Here is the formula that we are following to help you:.

Fresh lemons, wash before rolling and slicing.  6-7 will give you about 8 oz of juice.  I have a container with ounces on it.   I recommend you get that and a good juicer.  Grade B maple me it's not like the white processed sugar you get at the store.  This grade has nutrients that are beneficial to sustain life.  Cayenne pepper....start out with a dash until you get used to it.  No more that 1/10 max.

Mix equal parts lemon juice and syrup.  IE 8oz lemon juice, 8oz maple syrup, shake and place in the fridge..

When you are ready to make your drink, measure 3 table spoons into a glass and add 8 oz of water.  You can add ice if you like.  This is when you mix in the pepper.  Do not put the pepper in the main mix, as it sits over a long period of time (greater than ten minutes) the drink will get really hot.   I drink a min of six glasses per day, Kathy drinks about two....she's not a great fan of lemons.  Do not heat the drink in the microwave or other, as this will cook off essential nutrients.  Sorry for those living up north.......

In addition to this, we went to the drug store and we are taking Echinacea.   I'm not taking chances.

Like I said, we have not had any respiratory issues. I highly recommend a full body cleanse to rid toxins out of your body.  This lemonade mix was used in my 15 day cleanse and I feel better than great!  I feel young again.   The recommended cleanse time was ten days, I felt so good I kept going and I'm back on the cleanse again! 

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The great mind set challenge

The number one reason why people fail at losing weight is of course their state of mind.  This is step one to my program.  There must be a complete agreement between you're mind, heart and soul, that you are totally committed to following a program.  

To get you're mind prepared for my plan, I recommend that you go on an eating frenzy.  Eat all the foods you have been shoving away from you for the last couple of years.  Enjoy this week and really reflect about how great it was when you ate these things freely when you were young.  Don't worry about how much weight you will gain, just enjoy this week!

The next step is to mark the calendar for the first day to begin the rest of you're life, skinny.  Yes, I said skinny...The Law of Attraction says that what you think about is what you will attract.  So if you think you are fat, then that is what you will attract.  However, if you think that you are skinny, you are dropping the weight and you feel good about the direction you are going;  it stands to reason that you will attract that to you.  Not only will you attract it to you, you will want more of it.

Our emotions, feelings and thoughts are all connected.  Do you remember when you were young and happy?  You felt lighter and had lots of energy!  Just watch the young people around you interacting with life.  I get amused watching toddlers run circles around their parents.  We all experienced this energy when we were young.  When you get a job, you are forced to slow down.  Take my daughter for instance:  She is young, 20, and has many friends and activities.  A few weeks ago, she entered into the realm of adulthood.  She is now a manager at a Papa John's and she is tired.  As a result, she's at home sleeping more and not going out as often with her friends.  Now she feels the stress of job, home and relationships.

In the last four years, I have been studying The Law of Attraction and applying it to my life.  I have deliberately steered clear of negative thoughts and relationships.  As a result, I'm happier, my relationship with my children and partner has improved and I have a greater sense of spiritual enlightenment.

The Law of Attraction led me to my discovery.  Since my belief in the Law of Attraction was so strong; it was easy to make a total commitment to the program that I followed.  Now, I'm 15 pounds lighter, I'm full of energy and have a renewed sense of direction.  I'm back to training people and writing again.  Now, I want to share with the world what I have learned!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My beginning

Since I was a child athlete, I have often wondered why people would allow themselves to gain excessive weight. As the years have passed, I have come to a conclusion that people who are over weight have no desire to be that way; they have only accepted the inevitable. The inevitable being, their inability to exercise at the required level to obtain weight loss, either due to respiratory, muscular or anatomical conditions.  Sure, I know that they chose to ignore the warning signs at the beginning of their weight gain problem and they have ignored all imaginable health education that has come their way. Just as others have easily chosen to smoke, do drugs, commit crimes, etc. 

But there it was, that aching wondering in the far reaches of my mind. There must be a way for people to lose weight without prescribed medications, over the counter diet pills or worse, surgery?

I'm older now and within the past three years, I have not been able to exercise and maintain my weight due to an injury. I have joined the ranks of people who are over weight. After three years of eating clean and my health improved to where I could exercise; I found myself in a body that was stubborn and not giving up the fat! At 52, the idea of running three miles, four times a week, was actually not as enjoyable as it used to be....yes old age is creeping up. Frustrated, I began researching all possible methods for weight loss; that didn't require exercise.

Don't get me wrong, I have helped many improve their weight through cardio vascular and strength training. I strongly encourage everyone to follow a sound exercise program for optimal health.  I'm an excellent personal trainer. My favorite quote is "Train the heart and the body will follow". On my last stress test, the doctor was completely amazed at the physical condition of my heart. Referring to the electrocardiograph print out, he said "It doesn't get any better than this".

Back to my quest....Not wanting to go mildly and fatly into the wild blue yonder of old age; there had to be something out there for people like me/like you. So, dipping into the vintage of my mind, my knowledge of how the human body is designed, coupled with my belief in Holistic Health; I found the answer....