Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We all have heard "Let your conscience be your guide".  A great concept that I want to change to "Let you're emotions be you're guide".  Learning to change your emotions from bad to good, will help you attract the good things into your life that you have been yearning for.

How many times in the day do you see something that you desire and then offer a negative thought to that thing?  "Wow, I would love a house like that; oh, I can never afford a house like that".  We can be our own worst enemy with every nano second God sends our way. 

If you let your emotions lead the way, you can learn to attract more and more of that which you desire.  "Wow, I would love a house like that.  I can see myself sitting in the living room by the fireplace on Christmas day.  In the Spring, I will plant a rose and vegetable garden to fill my pantry with food.  I will enjoy many happy days cooking in my custom kitchen with family and friends that I love."  These thoughts create good feelings that will allow you to focus on your desire. 

The feeling of "Never being able to afford a house like that" doesn't feel good inside.  You get depressed and focus your thoughts on the lack of money.  You find more and more things wrong with where you are currently living.  Life has you trapped in a negative state of mind.  You are unable to see relief and attract more of that which you don't want.  I say you, like the majority of people, have lost the ability to dream.  The more you focus on the bad, the more bad will come to you. 

This is the law of attraction.  We all need to learn how to recognize our negative emotions and turn them from bad to good feelings.  We can create our own world of pleasure and success. We were meant to desire and experience all that is good in our lives. 

A friend and I have lost our mom's in Nov and my dad in Sept.  My mom passed two days before Thanksgiving.  So, every year that loss of her, that feeling, comes on strong and I remember a Thanksgiving dinner that I could barely choke down.  I have learned to turn my emotions around from that day, by choosing to remember all the good feelings I had and the wonderful memories my mom made for me each holiday season.  Each year that passes, I experience a greater appreciation, eagerness and anticipation of our Thanksgiving meal.

So many people choose to suffer needlessly by holding onto the wrong emotions.  My heart and prayers go out to them, that they can learn to turn those emotions around.  Not only for getting over the death of a loved one, but, for creating a life of happiness and fulfillment in all that they desire....God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving.

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