Monday, November 9, 2009

Dis-Ease/Diabetes Type 2

The following information is critical to understanding what causes dis-ease.  The information is minimal and I am merely pointing out a few reasons why drinking this lemonade is actually good for you.  The information is a summary from a book written by Tom Woloshyn, titled The Complete Master Cleanse. 

I spoke with Tom over the phone and got his permission to use the Master Cleanse in my training sessions with clients.  I'm also going to be attending several of his courses to incorporate his holistic techniques in my training.  I highly recommend that you purchase his book.

One of the main reasons people have Dis-Ease in their bodies is because of toxic waste build up in their colon. Toxins can wreak havoc on you're bodily functions.  I recommend a simple Master Cleanse that involves drinking lemonade.

 Lemons are a positive fruit that levels the bodies PH.  Devitalized foods that are very acidic to the body contains more Cations than Anions. Lemons contain more Anions which help with digestion and break down unhealthy tissues and cells. Acid forming foods (more cations) such as meat, dairy, processed foods etc, cause you're body to become over acidic.
"When a pancreas suffers damage by excessive processed foods and white sugar, it also suffers nutritional deficiencies from the lack of many minerals and vitamins. One job of that organ is too regulate blood sugar levels to within 1/th of a percent.  It now should be obvious to you that devitalized foods and foods devoid of minerals and vitamins do a double whammy on the pancreas:  Their lack of nutrients weaken it and the dramatic rise in blood sugar levels from the easy absorption of these foods stresses that organ by pushing it to overproduce insulin.  This causes the roller coaster high and lows that many people experience throughout the day, even though they think they're eating normally". 1
"Grade B maple syrup, contains essential minerals and vitamins that the Pancreas lacks.  Potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, tin, sulfur and silicon can be found in maple syrup.  Vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-5 B-6 biotin and Folic acid are present as well, along with minuscule amounts of amino acids". 2   
Because of this reason, the maple syrup is not a processed sugar that can alter you're body rapidly like a drug.  The natural mineral content makes it safe to consume.  You will not experience high spikes and lows normally associated with regular sugars and other sweeteners.
In my opinion, type 2 diabetes can be cured.  My partner had type 2 and now she doesn't.  She didn't go to a doctor to seek out treatment.  Through diet and exercise we were able to correct her deficiencies. 
1,2,  Tom Woloshyn

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