Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We all have heard "Let your conscience be your guide".  A great concept that I want to change to "Let you're emotions be you're guide".  Learning to change your emotions from bad to good, will help you attract the good things into your life that you have been yearning for.

How many times in the day do you see something that you desire and then offer a negative thought to that thing?  "Wow, I would love a house like that; oh, I can never afford a house like that".  We can be our own worst enemy with every nano second God sends our way. 

If you let your emotions lead the way, you can learn to attract more and more of that which you desire.  "Wow, I would love a house like that.  I can see myself sitting in the living room by the fireplace on Christmas day.  In the Spring, I will plant a rose and vegetable garden to fill my pantry with food.  I will enjoy many happy days cooking in my custom kitchen with family and friends that I love."  These thoughts create good feelings that will allow you to focus on your desire. 

The feeling of "Never being able to afford a house like that" doesn't feel good inside.  You get depressed and focus your thoughts on the lack of money.  You find more and more things wrong with where you are currently living.  Life has you trapped in a negative state of mind.  You are unable to see relief and attract more of that which you don't want.  I say you, like the majority of people, have lost the ability to dream.  The more you focus on the bad, the more bad will come to you. 

This is the law of attraction.  We all need to learn how to recognize our negative emotions and turn them from bad to good feelings.  We can create our own world of pleasure and success. We were meant to desire and experience all that is good in our lives. 

A friend and I have lost our mom's in Nov and my dad in Sept.  My mom passed two days before Thanksgiving.  So, every year that loss of her, that feeling, comes on strong and I remember a Thanksgiving dinner that I could barely choke down.  I have learned to turn my emotions around from that day, by choosing to remember all the good feelings I had and the wonderful memories my mom made for me each holiday season.  Each year that passes, I experience a greater appreciation, eagerness and anticipation of our Thanksgiving meal.

So many people choose to suffer needlessly by holding onto the wrong emotions.  My heart and prayers go out to them, that they can learn to turn those emotions around.  Not only for getting over the death of a loved one, but, for creating a life of happiness and fulfillment in all that they desire....God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'm back with more weight loss and cold tips

I'm back!  I spent most of the beginning of the week in Irvine, CA.  It was warm, sunny and I was at the beach with my feet buried in the sand, soaking up all that life has to give!  As you can tell, I don't have a lap top to travel with.  Does anyone know Santa personally?  Yes, that's my big x-mas wish and a Cannon D-50 camera.

In the past three days, I spent several hours with two new clients who are suffering from a cold.  After discussing the many health benefits associated with the drink, I like to show them how to make it and then taste it.  It does not taste like the lemonade you're used to drinking; Like you had when you were a kid.  The response is always, "Wow, this is really good".  Their cold symptoms have dissipated and their sinus pains went away.  I just love getting results like this!

One client compared me to the chick Jillian from the Biggest Loser Show and said I was so much better.  He saw her speak this past week in Bakersfield and after meeting with me, he's convinced that I should go National!  Ha, lol....I like that.

Remember to enjoy all the pleasures of this up coming Thanksgiving.  Don't worry if you gain anything, just drink my drink as specified and you can go right back to skinny.  The important part is to relax and enjoy the process. 

Additionally, have good anticipating thoughts about gathering with the ones you love.  If you focus on the anticipation of a really great heart warming time, it will be a really great meal.  Feeling good and eager about the event will attract more and more good feelings.  If you are dreading a get together and you're thoughts are focused on feeling that dread, then I suggest you change you're plans, or you're point of focus.

My point of focus is on helping people.  Yesterday, the Law of Attraction worked in my favor and I was able to approach a gentleman who had what seemed like bad knees and his weight I'm sure is not helping. It is for this very reason that I'm out to help people who don't have the ability to exercise in order to lose weight!

I digress; The gentleman and I chatted for a few moments about being open-minded and I gave him a book on the Master Cleanse.  Now he has the book in his hands and it's up to him to decide what is best for his health.  All I can do is provide the information and pray that he will look at this, as a great opportunity to improve his overall health.  I wish I did have a crystal ball to see what he will  look like in a year or so, and know how much it has helped him.  Perhaps if a travel back this way, I will see him again?  Who knows?

Please read my past posts.  I recommend you start at the beginning and work you're way back to here.  It's the always evolving book of health.  I'm considering changing and adding this blog to an official web site.  I'm still thinking......

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dis-Ease/Diabetes Type 2

The following information is critical to understanding what causes dis-ease.  The information is minimal and I am merely pointing out a few reasons why drinking this lemonade is actually good for you.  The information is a summary from a book written by Tom Woloshyn, titled The Complete Master Cleanse. 

I spoke with Tom over the phone and got his permission to use the Master Cleanse in my training sessions with clients.  I'm also going to be attending several of his courses to incorporate his holistic techniques in my training.  I highly recommend that you purchase his book.

One of the main reasons people have Dis-Ease in their bodies is because of toxic waste build up in their colon. Toxins can wreak havoc on you're bodily functions.  I recommend a simple Master Cleanse that involves drinking lemonade.

 Lemons are a positive fruit that levels the bodies PH.  Devitalized foods that are very acidic to the body contains more Cations than Anions. Lemons contain more Anions which help with digestion and break down unhealthy tissues and cells. Acid forming foods (more cations) such as meat, dairy, processed foods etc, cause you're body to become over acidic.
"When a pancreas suffers damage by excessive processed foods and white sugar, it also suffers nutritional deficiencies from the lack of many minerals and vitamins. One job of that organ is too regulate blood sugar levels to within 1/th of a percent.  It now should be obvious to you that devitalized foods and foods devoid of minerals and vitamins do a double whammy on the pancreas:  Their lack of nutrients weaken it and the dramatic rise in blood sugar levels from the easy absorption of these foods stresses that organ by pushing it to overproduce insulin.  This causes the roller coaster high and lows that many people experience throughout the day, even though they think they're eating normally". 1
"Grade B maple syrup, contains essential minerals and vitamins that the Pancreas lacks.  Potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, tin, sulfur and silicon can be found in maple syrup.  Vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-5 B-6 biotin and Folic acid are present as well, along with minuscule amounts of amino acids". 2   
Because of this reason, the maple syrup is not a processed sugar that can alter you're body rapidly like a drug.  The natural mineral content makes it safe to consume.  You will not experience high spikes and lows normally associated with regular sugars and other sweeteners.
In my opinion, type 2 diabetes can be cured.  My partner had type 2 and now she doesn't.  She didn't go to a doctor to seek out treatment.  Through diet and exercise we were able to correct her deficiencies. 
1,2,  Tom Woloshyn

Sunday, November 8, 2009

An interview with a really qualified personal trainer!

1. Provide a brief job description of what you do.
Coach, motivate, train others on proper protocols pertaining to their health issues. At times, a counselor and at a clients disposal daily, depending on how dedicated you are to you're clients.

2. How does your occupation benefit others?
My training is geared toward holistic health issues pertaining to cardiovascular, muscular training and includes a holistic master cleanse program that flushes toxic wastes out of you're system. After ten sessions with me, my clients feel healthier, stronger, weigh less and reap other health benefits they wouldn't get with other personal trainers. IE: Their immune system is boosted, their respiratory system is cleared of mucus, head aches and muscle aches disappear, blood pressure and cholesterol levels drop and they can become cured of type 2 diabetes. Additionally, because I have a spiritual and financial training background, I can help them reduce unnecessary stress that effects their overall health.

3. What do you like most about your job? Why?
I love people period. I'm never bored and I get great satisfaction knowing that I'm making a bigger impact on peoples lives daily.

4. What do you like least about your job? Why?
I'm self employed and don't have access to fitness facilities that my clients belong to. This can be a hindrance at times.

5. What, if anything, would you like to change about your profession?
Great question! I would love it if they did not have a certification program to become a personal trainer. There is so much harm going on in these facilities that goes unreported. Clients are required to sign a Participant's release and agreement form that releases the facility of all liability against the club, it's heirs, the trainers and other club personnel.

Case in point:  Male trainer with a female client training for a body builder competition; she complains about a severe pain she is experiencing and asks him to help with the weight load.  He fails to understand the complaint and encourages her to continue.  She injured her medial meniscus ligament which brought her training to an abrupt halt.  The injury was caused by an improper lifting technique and excessive weight load.  I know most people would say it was an accident that can happen to anyone.  I disagree.  His ego and lack of knowledge is prevalent in his training techniques.  This was not the only person injured under his care.  Again, personal trainers should be required to have a four year or an associates degree.

6. What made you want to get into this profession?
Since I was a child, I was always teaching other people, even adults; how to get in shape. I traveled throughout my community teaching female coaches how to teach their teams how to play softball. At 13, I was too old for the local girls league. My dad had taught me how to play baseball and I was umpiring the boys games. It was only natural to continue my education in this field.

7.  Can you give me a brief history about this field? 
Back in the day when fitness facilities became popular, there was a need for insurance.  The Insurance companies would only provide coverage if the facility provided trained personnel to teach their clients.  This would limit the risk of liability.   Someone came up with the idea of certifying these types of trainers.  The industry couldn't afford to pay or compete with salaries for fitness professionals who had a formal education/four year degree of study.  The certification program can be done in a class room setting or through the Internet. 

The majority of trainers take the easiest, less challenging route, through the Internet.  Supposedly, after they are done studying the materials, they can take an on-line exam and the company will issue a certificate in the mail, when they pass.  The individual can use the training manual to answer the questions to the exam on-line.  A fitness facility where I once worked, had a disk with all the answers and gave this to any employee wishing to become a certified personal trainer.

Through out the years, the public began to glorify and praise these individuals without questioning their level of expertise.  Somehow, this certificate began to trump a four year degree.  Again, can you imagine a health field of unqualified doctors and nurses if they went to this type of certification program? 

I'm constantly amazed that programs like the biggest loser etc, can train people the way they do!  Never have I seen a trainer insist that the client wear a heart rate monitor.  I'm very surprised that no one has fallen out and died on them!  Totally amazing!

body-by-devo is my own company. I travel the United States and train clients.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thump, Thump, Thump

Do you know what you're heart is up to?  Aside from the fact that it pumps oxygenated blood and feels emotion on a daily basis; just how good is you're heart physically?  Unless you recently had a stress test; most people don't know what their resting heart rate is, or where it goes when they move around.   

Right now at age 52, my resting heart rate, while I type this is 56.  It's 9:00PM and as I whittle away my time for bed; I want to wake you up to an alarming and not surprising fact.  A fact that is told to us over and over by the health community. 

According to the CDC:  Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. The most common heart disease in the United States is coronary heart disease, which often appears as a heart attack. In 2009, an estimated 785,000 Americans will have a new coronary attack, and about 470,000 will have a recurrent attack. About every 25 seconds, an American will have a coronary event, and about one every minute will die from one. [1] 

When I train my clients, I'm not surprised that they have a higher resting heart rate than I do.  Additionally, I'm not surprised how fast they reach their minimum heart rate while exercising.  Case in point, according to a cardiologist who gave me my stress test.  "The average female will reach their minimum heart rate in three minutes."  (Forgive me, I don't remember his name.)  In my case, they had me running up hill and it was over twenty minutes before I reached my minimum heart rate!  Why so long for me?  I'm in better condition.  Please note:  I don't run daily and I get a minimum of three days of exercise a week.  When I do exercise, I know exactly what my heart rate is and my routine is driven by it!

When I train a client, I insist that they wear a heart rate monitor so I can adjust their intensity level.  If the beat is too slow, I will increase the speed or incline, to get the heart rate up.  If the heart rate is faster then where I want them, I can make an immediate adjustment to lower their heart rate.  Without a monitor, I'm like a pilot flying blind with no instruments to guide me. 

The following is a formula that you can follow to determine what you're minimum and maximum heart rate should be:

220 minus you're age = X

Multiply X by 65% for you're minimum heart rate. 
Multiply X by 75% for you're maximum heart rate.

This is the formula I use to determine the training program I will follow for a client.  As their heart moves into a better condition, I will increase the maximum to 80-85%. 

Most people will not guarantee that this will work for you; I will.  For a fact, if you can follow my formula and exercise within the heart range I just taught you; in ten day sessions, you will see you're heart get in shape.  It will take you longer to get to you're minimum heart rate and you will be working at a higher intensity level.  Providing, (lol) you are not smoking and coating you're lungs with toxic waste!

1.Lloyd-Jones D, Adams R, Carnethon M, DeSimone G, Ferguson TB, Flegal K, Ford E, Furie K, Go A, Greenlund K, Haase N, Hailpern S, Ho M, Howard V, Kissela B, Kittner S, Lackland D, Lisabeth L, Marelli A, McDermott M, Meigs J, Mozaffarian D, Nichol G, O'Donnell C, Roger V, Rosamond W, Sacco R, Sorlie P, Stafford R, Steinberger J, Hong Y; American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics–2009 Update. A Report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Circulation. 2008 Dec 15.