Monday, June 27, 2011

My new business

Ok have you ever heard that life is a never ending education? That is my life. Why go through life only once to have only done a handful of things? For me that never works...I'm 53 and not done living. I'm not ready to roll over and die.

So far I have accomplished everything in life. I played High School basketball and softball. I played on five different teams in the summer and rode my motorcycle to other ball games to umpire. I played College level Field Hockey and Softball on two scholarships. We won the State Championship in Softball for three consecutive years. I graduated with a BS in Education.

After college I served in the Army active duty for 8 1/2 years as a commissioned Officer. Cutting that story short, I was a helicopter test pilot who never got to fly much because of too many additional duties to mention. My career ended after attending the Combined Arms Service and Staff School in FT Leavenworth Kansas thanks to Congress cutting military personnel.

Sadly my mother and father have passed and way. I have two beautiful children that I love to the max. I have a partner who loves my children and I; I'm so proud of all of them. It is my hopes to leave them a legacy with the businesses I'm now involved in. It's my intention to show them and others that life is worth living. No matter what walls pop up in our paths, that you can go around those walls, you can move on to better things always.

The past 4 years have been tough on me. I have been disabled and my ability to train people and to work full or part time is long gone. With the few hours I can get out of the house, I have been taking pictures with my trusty camera and tripod. The pictures are precious in that they record the beauty I see all around me. Since I have no source of income there is little much I can do these days. But, I'm not down. I can do this. I can also help a friend build the Lott group by volunteering as their COO.

This photography business is a dream for me. I have always wanted to do here I am; doing it. I hope you follow me through this process?

Please note the widgets to the right. If you own a Kindle or any device that supports e-books and you order them from Amazon; you can do that through this blog. 10% of all my income will go to the Lott Group...yeah

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