Friday, February 26, 2010

Little ditty on depression

Life is about feeling good. When you are feeling any emotion that makes you feel bad, stop and think about what would make you feel better. There are always two sides to every subject and feeling.

You might not feel good that you are short of cash/one side, however, you can feel better thinking at least payday is in two days/other side. Flipping how you feel about a subject can change how long you stay in a negative state of mind and unhappiness.

One side of a subject: There was a time when I lost my best friend (my step mom), my partner left me during the time she passed away and I was left to deal with a failing business that we shared. To add further to my pain, my father passed away too. All my friends were concerned about how I was going to handle all the stress. Even though I went through a time of mourning which is only natural, I refused to allow myself to stay in a constant state of depression. So, I reached for better feeling thoughts to recover.

The other side of the subject: I didn't have to worry about my parents anymore, because, I knew where they were at all the times. Funny I know. Additionally, even though the business failed, I no longer had to worry about all the details, my struggles were gone. It left me with more time to focus on my happiness and my children.

We have a friend who is in a constant state of depression. When we hear from her, all she talks about is how bad she feels. Regardless of all the counseling she receives and the medicines she is on...she stays in a constant state of self destruction. No matter what advice anyone has to offer, she refuses to consider her options. The only person who can really help her, is herself.

We only get to live life it's a shame to waste all our time being miserable. How long do you want to stay in an unhappy state of mind?

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