Back and gone again...Met some people on the road in Irvine. Specifically, at Starbucks near Choc. Maybe they will follow my blog. They are very interesting and have an organic web site that everyone will be interested in. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get back on with my antiquated computer and I haven't been able to connect with them. Now it's working fine, but, I'm packing it up to put in storage. Hopefully, I will have access to a computer in VA.
For now, we are headed back to Irvine for five days and then we will fly into the wild blue yonder to our home in VA, to be with family and friends for Christmas and New Years Eve. So, the computer will be unpacked in mid Jan. Santa is planning on having a small computer under our xmas tree, which is being built by my son; I hope he follows thru with that request. Next, I will need a laptop to take on our trips. That would be really nice to have!
Happy Holidays, God Bless, everyone be safe and love life.